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The Importance of Creating Quality, Branded and Owned Content

There is some confusion in the industry at the moment. Marketers all around are producing content marketing strategies that are nowhere near as effective as they should be.

There has been an explosion of content that doesn’t seem to be slowing down, only evolving. Most businesses aren’t seeing the results they want and there are 3 main reasons for this;

  1. Quantities, some Marketers believe to be effective and grow you need to be posting regularly. This is not true. You should never post just for the sake of posting. You need to stick with quality content. This is the content that will be most engaging and visual content. You don't want your feed to be clogged up with loads of unrelated content. Focus on the quality over the quantities and believe me you will see real growth.

  2. The wrong content. I’ve seen many companies try and fail with their content strategies. Your content needs to be in line with your image otherwise it can be drastic. I’ve seen it with clothing brands posting viral funny videos. Yes, they get shared, of course, they will, but that is not what your customers followed you for. You need to focus on strong content that fits your image, brand and truly portrays your business story and what it is you ACTUALLY DO.

  3. Other people’s content. The saying goes if you are not first, you’re last. I see a lot of pages sharing other people’s content that has performed well in their pages. Yes, it’s good content of course, but it is doing nothing for your brand or sales. All that it is doing is directing people away from your business to theirs. It is giving them more brand awareness, presence and effectively leads. You should be aiming to get the content that people share on their pages, not the other way around. If the content is good enough it will sell itself and in the long run, this is effectively free marketing.

If you follow these 3 principles you will see real growth and also be more widely recognised in the field you are in. Don’t get me wrong content curating can work wonders (using other businesses content). But content creation is where the real growth comes from.

60% of marketers create at least one piece of content each day. To become a good content marketer, remember this:

Consistency is key to building a successful business. According to McKinsey & Company, “the 3 Cs of customer satisfaction” are “consistency, consistency, and consistency.” If you want to reap the benefits of content marketing, you need to dedicate adequate time to content creation.

Usually, it is the bigger companies with big budgets that utilise a strong content marketing strategy, because it works. This being said many smaller companies are now offering cost-effective services, much like ourselves here at BIG INFLUENCE MEDIA, that call help with a content marketing strategy that can help you to acquire leads.

With no marketing budget, zero connections and a blog that was only a month old, Robbie Richards grew his traffic to 272% in 30 days by creating the right content and promoting it to the right target.

Even if you’re relying on Google AdWords ads or social media PPC campaigns, you have to be directly involved in content creation. Web marketing is primarily powered by content.

Content marketing gets three times more leads than paid search advertising. (Content Marketing Institute, 2017) (Source:

If you want to find out more on how we can help you with your content marketing strategy please email us at

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