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Facebook is buying another app - Teen Friendly TBH

It's no surprise when you hear that Facebook has once again, opened up it's huge bank accounts and swallowed up another start up app. This time it is teen friendly app TBH, with over 2.5 million users and growing, it won't be long before this app is even more popular than ever.

5 Quick Things about TBH -

1. The name is short for “to be honest.”

It is an acronym. TBH make's it seem cooler to teens who 'can't be bothered'

2. It's a compliment app

There are no bad comments that can be made and pushes people to be friendly to one another.

3. It’s totally anonymous.

4. It’s all about positivity.

There is no room for negativity on the platform and they share similar values with Facebook.

5. It’s one of the most popular free apps.

It is in the top downloads, along with Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and Snapchat.

Are Facebook becoming an application, digital and business monopoly, it looks so, but either way any app that promotes positive behaviour among the younger generation, with financial backing from Facebook, is surely is a good thing.

Either way, lets see what app is next on the list.

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